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1-804-240-8862 russ@russell-lawson .com

Supergoddess average everyday sane psycho

So says Liz Phair. Talking about herself, as do many of her lyrics, but I’m borrowing the phrase to pay a first of the year compliment to Heather Milligan, my friend at the Legal Water Cooler. In 2008, she was transcendent.

Forget that we both have a strange fascination with Twitter, (she wrapped the year by posting about it, yet again, on the Cooler). Forget that we worked side-by-side on the Legal Marketing Association board for a couple of years. Even if I had nothing in common with Heather, I’d admire her for two things.

I got into blogging in 2004. That year, I posted five times. Pretty thin. Heather entered the blogsphere in 2008. By the 30th of December, there were 183 posts. 183! This woman has strong opinions and wonderful creativity, but the personal discipline necessary for this level of conversation is OFF THE CHARTS! I have said so to her.

Blogging is about many things for bloggers, and one of the purposes it serves for some of us is to bring our views to the notice of our own network of mentors and fellow travelers. In 2008, a number of Heather’s posts were noted (like this one and this one and this one) by some of the leading bloggers and publishers in the legal space, such as the Legal Blog Watch at, the ABA Journal and others.

In 2008, Heather entered the online conversation with a powerful presence and shortly was leading the conversation. These are high standards for all of us and I admire Heather’s accomplishments. Happy new year, supergoddess!

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